1. Beth Hawthorn
Mother of Leya, married to Robert for 4 years (forever). Saw a picture of him and decided he’s the one – she gets what she wants. Started this is it design inc. in 1996 so she could achieve success as a packaging girl. Now she packs her original designs and sends them to shops worldwide. Uses Leya as guinea pig for her new design ideas.
2. Christian Blyt
Met Marja in Helsinki, married her and talked her into moving to Vancouver. Never moved in the apartment Robert tried to rent to them. An Inventor and Visionary. Lives for Oskar and Kasper. Vegetarian. Provides inspiration as an associate professor at Emily Carr Institute. Forges bonds between industry and culture as a hobby.
3. Oskar Blyt
Oskar is learning the art of negotiating. Gaining more ground with #2 and #7 but finding #5 difficult to convince. Builds incredible structures, which are constructed of all his toys. Architect potential. A very neat eater.
4. Victor Chan
Is successful in keeping all of BARK guessing as to how he gets so much exposure in international design magazines. Mild mannered. Husband and father. Recently purchased a home in a small fishing village, not far outside of Vancouver. Head designer at c-design studio, and recently admitted that he receives some help from his 4 year old daughter.
5. Leya Studer
Born at home in 2003. Has the ability to win staring contests. Has incredible hat collection, made by #1. Thinks #6 is funny but reserves her comments until she has a grasp of the situation. Enjoys #8’s company. Not sure what to make of #3 affectionate advances. Poster girl of this is it inc. shameless marketing plan.
6. Robert Studer
Made his and Beth’s wedding rings in a backyard of a mechanics shop in Thailand. Thinks Leya has been sent here as his life teacher. Introducing her nonsensical music and speech patterns. Began this is it design inc. with Beth to become delivery boy. Finds he has to design things so he can deliver them. Met Christian & Marja in 1997 attempting to rent them the apartment with a lease he was trying to get out of.
7. Marja Koskela
Rolls her R’s because she does it so well. Moved to Canada in 1997 with Christian Blyt under the condition that summers are spend in Finland. Can design medical equipment upon request but prefers living a healthy lifestyle that doesn’t involve such equipment. Began Up & Down Productions in 1997 with Christian and shifted focus to the admirable position of mother of Oskar and Kasper. Presents herself as sweet but don’t let looks deceive you. She was a punk rocker not too long ago.
8. Kasper Blyt
Build like a brick house, has a smile and eyes thatcaptivate #5. Enjoys sitting under the table eating his dinner. Is tolerant to #3’s torments but not for much longer.
9. Steve Suchy
Enjoys life measured increments. Avid wind surfer, he sailed into design true architecture. As he lives in a small apartment the work he designs serves his needs for multi-functionalism and compactness. As parties, Steve is known to impersonate Elvis, however not very convincingly. Steve’s latest obsession in designing a chair that folds in one-minute-flat.
10. Nina
Photographer, Bryan Ward’s dog, used as a prop. Loves and plays with #11.
11. Gracey
Shelly’s dog, used as a prop. The dog is an energetic as she is. Loved licking #5’s face during photoshoot. The dog, not Shelly.